ISSN 1016-1007 GPN2005600032
頁數:49﹣99 城市空間中的「協作移動」: 以WeMo Scooter共享電動機車為例 “Collaborative Mobility” in Urban Space: WeMo Scooter as an Example
Yi-Fan Liu
WeMo Scooter、共享機車、協作移動、智慧型手機、實踐
collaborative mobility, scooter-sharing system, smartphone, practices, WeMo Scooter
共享機車服務已逐漸盛行於臺灣主要城市,本文依其須以智慧型手機與電動機車接合連動方得運作的技術特性,循軟體研究(software studies)觀點將其定義為「協作移動」技術。此技術體系的協作特性不僅展現在行動媒介與交通工具的協作,從而促成媒介實踐與移動實踐不可二分的新型態實踐樣貌,更重要的是,此技術體系有賴營運方與常民媒介/移動實踐的共同參進,方得持續完成。循此,本文以WeMo Scooter共享電動機車為例,探討其技術構成與運作過程,及其所促成的實踐樣貌。本研究指出,協作移動技術體系的構成與運作乃「社會—技術—文化」過程,在其營運範圍劃定與調節、車輛網絡(重)分布、「混雜空間」(hybrid space)的物質性變動等方面,皆展現出營運方與使用者之間的協商與協作關係,且行動媒介的居中運作扮演關鍵角色。在使用者透過行動媒介參進技術體系運作的實踐過程中,一方面展現出豐富的城市空間意涵,同時隱約可見數據化的監控管治。在此基礎上,本研究進一步嘗試與媒介研究、移動研究領域現有概念對話,藉此強化「協作移動」概念的跨領域特性,作為後進相關研究的參考基礎。
Scooter-sharing is becoming more and more popular in Taiwan, making the country the second-ranked market by size globally. Inspired by software studies, this study defines a scooter-sharing system as “collaborative mobility” that connects smartphones and electric scooters and makes them work together. Therefore, it operates through media practice and movement practice simultaneously, which are inseparable. Accordingly, this study distinguishes collaborative mobility from coded mobility and code/mobility, making the practices from general users indispensable in the collaborative mobility system.

Treating collaborative mobility as a social–technical–cultural assemblage, this study takes WeMo Scooter as an example to point out that the (re)definition of the operation zone, the (re)distribution of the scooter network, and the whole system operations are all connected by operators and collective users via mobile media and scooters in a specific social-spatial context. One benefit is that it triggers urban space ambiguities and possibilities for both the operator and general users to (re)understand and (re)build the hybrid urban space and the formation of everyday life. However, it also shows strict dataveillance from operators at the same time.

Treating “collaborative mobility” as an interdisciplinary concept, this study also revises some relative concepts in media studies and the mobilities paradigm. For the former, the concept of collaborative mobility indicates that the “hybrid space” exhibits materiality. For the latter, the concept of immobile moorings is changing due to the role that mobile media play in the collaborative mobility system.

Because the concept of collaborative mobility is new to media studies and the mobilities paradigm, it is worth more in-depth discussions and empirical studies to develop it into becoming more grounded interdisciplinarily.
2020/ 秋
