試探「他者」在社群網站自我敘事與記憶建構中扮演的角色: 以臉書親子文個案為例
The role of ‘others’ in the self-narrative and memory construction on social network sites: a case study of Facebook parenting stories
Yow-Jiun Wang
自我敘事、自傳式記憶、社群網站、敘事記憶、想像 閱聽人、數位記憶
autobiographical memory, digital memory, imagined audience, narrative memory, self-narrative, social network site
自傳式記憶經常藉由社會互動中的自我述說或傳統自我敘 事文類得以組織建構。做為社群網站,臉書上的社會互動和敘 事空間,除開啟新的記憶銘刻和傳播模式,亦改變敘事者與互 動他者的關係。本文的個案研究以親子記憶為例,探討不同他 者如何涉入臉書個人敘事記憶的內涵,包括親近/重要他者、 主體他者、誘話者、說話對象、想像閱聽人和實際閱聽人。
研究發現,臉書的場址特質和風行文化,令個案傾向以簡 潔愉悅的敘事腳本記述親子生活。敘事的主要誘話者,乃希望 紀錄珍貴記憶或調適生活處境的自我;而其記憶再現則隱現賴 以建構自我的的主體他者。臉書的回饋機制,令使用者得以即 時感知閱聽人回應,強化其發文誘因;扮演協力誘話者之餘, 閱聽人也可能身兼社會課責代理人,影響個案自我敘事的策略 以及記憶篩選、組織的方式。較諸一般閱聽人,說話對象乃敘 事特意傾訴者,其觀點和回應對記憶內涵的影響也較深。因他 者凝視而生的自我審查,與自我凝視的程度相連。臉書的互動 機制和其文化模式的可觀察性,令他者凝視得以持續與自我凝 視交互運作,介入在此進行的連續性微型記憶敘事。
研究發現,臉書的場址特質和風行文化,令個案傾向以簡 潔愉悅的敘事腳本記述親子生活。敘事的主要誘話者,乃希望 紀錄珍貴記憶或調適生活處境的自我;而其記憶再現則隱現賴 以建構自我的的主體他者。臉書的回饋機制,令使用者得以即 時感知閱聽人回應,強化其發文誘因;扮演協力誘話者之餘, 閱聽人也可能身兼社會課責代理人,影響個案自我敘事的策略 以及記憶篩選、組織的方式。較諸一般閱聽人,說話對象乃敘 事特意傾訴者,其觀點和回應對記憶內涵的影響也較深。因他 者凝視而生的自我審查,與自我凝視的程度相連。臉書的互動 機制和其文化模式的可觀察性,令他者凝視得以持續與自我凝 視交互運作,介入在此進行的連續性微型記憶敘事。
Autobiographical memories that define self-concept are often configured in self-narratives that take place through social interactions or take the form of literary genres. Providing interactive and narrative spaces, Facebook as a social network site not only serves to elicit and inscribe memories, but also changes the relationships between narrators and their interactive others. Via multiple case studies, this paper focuses on the topic of parent-child memories, investigating how multiple others, including proximate/significant other, subject Other, coaxer, addressee, and imagined and real audience, are involved in personal narrative memories on Facebook.
This research finds that the interviewees tend to fit in with the common culture of Facebook and script their posts about parent-child lives as happy short stories. The coaxers in the cases are the narrators themselves, who want to record precious memories or adapt to life situations. Against various subject Others, the interviewees construct the narrated “I”s. The feedback mechanisms of Facebook allow the interviewees to perceive audiences’responses, thus enhancing their motivations for posting and sharing memories. Playing collaborative coaxers, the audiences act as the agents of social accountability, affecting the interviewees’ narrative strategies and their methods of selecting and organizing memories. Comparing with the usual imagined and real audiences, the addressees’ perspectives and responses are more influential. Self-censorships based on others’ gaze are related to self- gaze. Owing to its interactive mechanisms and observable cultural patterns, Facebook accommodates the interplays between others’ gaze and self-gaze implicated in the continuous micro-memory narratives on the platform.
This research finds that the interviewees tend to fit in with the common culture of Facebook and script their posts about parent-child lives as happy short stories. The coaxers in the cases are the narrators themselves, who want to record precious memories or adapt to life situations. Against various subject Others, the interviewees construct the narrated “I”s. The feedback mechanisms of Facebook allow the interviewees to perceive audiences’responses, thus enhancing their motivations for posting and sharing memories. Playing collaborative coaxers, the audiences act as the agents of social accountability, affecting the interviewees’ narrative strategies and their methods of selecting and organizing memories. Comparing with the usual imagined and real audiences, the addressees’ perspectives and responses are more influential. Self-censorships based on others’ gaze are related to self- gaze. Owing to its interactive mechanisms and observable cultural patterns, Facebook accommodates the interplays between others’ gaze and self-gaze implicated in the continuous micro-memory narratives on the platform.