Interrelationship Between Personal Evaluations and Consumer Behaviors in Taiwan Films
Yuo-Long Kuo
Taiwan film, evaluation, degree of involvement, consumer behavior
本研究探討民眾對台灣電影的評價與電影消費行為之間的關係。在研究方法上, 經由「焦點團體訪問法」探究問題,採用「電話訪問法」蒐集資料(受訪者母體為台 北縣市居民)。研究發現,12~19歲、國中(包含目前在學之學生)及以下程度、農 林漁牧工、台灣的閩南人、居住台北縣者,對台灣電影的「滿意度」,相對較高;沒 去電影院觀看「台片」者、沒經常去電影院觀看「台片」最主要的原因是「沒有看台 片的習慣」或「沒有喜歡看的電影」者,以及沒看錄影帶、影碟、VCD、電視或第四 台「台片」者,其對台灣電影的評價,顯著較低。
整體而言,民眾對台灣電影的滿意度低,再度觀看之意願低,口碑也不好。民眾 去電影院觀看電影的各項動機因素(GSi)與台灣電影在相對應各動機因素上的滿足 程度(GOi)之間,在「休閒娛樂」一項,呈現顯著負相關的關係,因此,「休閒娛 樂」動機愈強者,其對台灣電影之「滿意度」也愈低。
觀看電影的動機和台片滿意度之間的「平均絕對差值」(Σ∣GSi-GOi∣∕n)與 觀看「外片」的次數有顯著正相關的關係,與觀看「台片」的次數有顯著負相關的關 係。換言之,動機愈強,「台片」滿意度愈低,則去電影院觀看「台片」的次數愈少,去電影院觀看「外片」的次數 愈多。
整體而言,民眾對台灣電影的滿意度低,再度觀看之意願低,口碑也不好。民眾 去電影院觀看電影的各項動機因素(GSi)與台灣電影在相對應各動機因素上的滿足 程度(GOi)之間,在「休閒娛樂」一項,呈現顯著負相關的關係,因此,「休閒娛 樂」動機愈強者,其對台灣電影之「滿意度」也愈低。
觀看電影的動機和台片滿意度之間的「平均絕對差值」(Σ∣GSi-GOi∣∕n)與 觀看「外片」的次數有顯著正相關的關係,與觀看「台片」的次數有顯著負相關的關 係。換言之,動機愈強,「台片」滿意度愈低,則去電影院觀看「台片」的次數愈少,去電影院觀看「外片」的次數 愈多。
This study investigated the interrelationship between personal evaluations and consumer behaviors in Taiwan Films. This study used focus group to uncover the core problem, and telephone interviews were obtained from multistage RDD sampling. The survey showed that personal evaluations in Taiwan Films differentiated distinctively in age, education, life-cycle, occupation, income, recreational expenses, ethnic group, residential location, but not in gender. In addition,personal views on Taiwan Films significantly affected individuals' intentions to watch movies.
As a whole, people were less satisfied with Taiwan Films, because of the low quality. As the degree of each motive factor of movie-attending be correlated respectively with that of gratifications which Taiwan Films offered, we can find that there exists negative relation on the aspact of "entertainment".So, those who were looking for "entertainment" from movie-attending were the ones who were least satisfied with Taiwan Films.
The average absolute discrepancy between the gratifications which the audience member is seeking and the extent to which he perceives he is obtaining these gratifications from Taiwan Films is positively related with the frquency of movie-attending in Foreign Films, but negatively related with the frquency of movie-attending in Taiwan Films. In other words, one would choose to watch a foreign film more frequently when one has a higher degree motivation to attend movies and is unsatisfied with Taiwan Films.
As a whole, people were less satisfied with Taiwan Films, because of the low quality. As the degree of each motive factor of movie-attending be correlated respectively with that of gratifications which Taiwan Films offered, we can find that there exists negative relation on the aspact of "entertainment".So, those who were looking for "entertainment" from movie-attending were the ones who were least satisfied with Taiwan Films.
The average absolute discrepancy between the gratifications which the audience member is seeking and the extent to which he perceives he is obtaining these gratifications from Taiwan Films is positively related with the frquency of movie-attending in Foreign Films, but negatively related with the frquency of movie-attending in Taiwan Films. In other words, one would choose to watch a foreign film more frequently when one has a higher degree motivation to attend movies and is unsatisfied with Taiwan Films.