聯合國教科文組織「保障及促進文化表現 多樣性公約」對文化權及傳播權之影響: 以2007年歐體視聽媒體服務指令為中心
The Impacts of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection and Promotion on the Diversity of Cultural Expression to the Right to Cultural and Communication Right: in the context of the EC’s Audio-Visual Media Service Directive
Hui-Yen Hsu
cultural diversity, Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression, right to culture, right to communicate, Audiovisual Media Services Directive, Television without Frontiers Directive
The European Community and its Member States have been the main advocates of cultural diversity for a long time. Their efforts and devotion resulted in the conclusion of ‘UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression, which is significant to cultural and communication right. As soon as after the entrances into force of the Convention, the European Community revised the Audio-Visual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). As an important sector of cultural industry, these services have profound impacts on cultural diversity.
The objective of this article is to investigate what impacts the UNESCO Convention would bring to the cultural and communication right. This article clarified the normative relation and interaction among the cultural diversities of the cultural and communication right. They are not only mutually supporting but also reinforcing to each other. The conclusion of this article discussed that although the AVMSD vowed to respect and protect cultural diversity in audio-visual service sector, the implementation of the AVMSD could hinder the free flow of cultural expression. This result would derogate the normative goals of the Convention. Furthermore, it would build up obstacles to the realization of the cultural and communication right.
The objective of this article is to investigate what impacts the UNESCO Convention would bring to the cultural and communication right. This article clarified the normative relation and interaction among the cultural diversities of the cultural and communication right. They are not only mutually supporting but also reinforcing to each other. The conclusion of this article discussed that although the AVMSD vowed to respect and protect cultural diversity in audio-visual service sector, the implementation of the AVMSD could hinder the free flow of cultural expression. This result would derogate the normative goals of the Convention. Furthermore, it would build up obstacles to the realization of the cultural and communication right.